Markov Property (MP)

Markov Property (MP)

  • The probability of reaching S’ from S only depends on S, not on the history of earlier states
  • Fundamental of Bellman Equations (mentioned later)

Markov Decision Processes (MDPs)

  • The mathematical description of reinforcement learning is based on Markov Decision Process, which can be described as tiple: (S, A, R, P, ρ0)

    where S:set of all possible states

    A: set of all possible actions

    R: rewards function

    P: state transition function: P(s’ | s, a ) probability of s’ if take action a in state s

    ρ0:The initial state distribution

Discounted Return


  • trajectory Ο„ is the set of states and actions

τ = (s0, a0, s1, a1,  ·  ·  · )

Reward and Return

  • The reward is the encouragement of a single step while the return is the cumulative rewards on a whole trajectory
  • Usually, we will consider the discounted factor on the return, hence:

$$ R(\tau) = \sum_{t=0}^{\infty}\gamma^t r_t $$

  • Why do we need discounted factor ?

    Cash now is better than cash later

Value Function

  • State Value function VΟ€(s)​ To estimate how good it is for the agent to be in a given state under policy π​​ VΟ€(s) = EΟ„β€„βˆΌβ€„Ο€[R(Ο„)Β |Β s0 = s]

  • Action Value function QΟ€(s, a)

    To estimate how good it is for the agent to be in a given state and action under policy Ο€ QΟ€(s, a) = EΟ„β€„βˆΌβ€„Ο€[R(Ο„)Β |Β s0 = s, a0 = a]

Bellman Equation

  • It is frequent to estimate the value function in reinforcement learning. Bellman equation is the method to implement. The basic idea behind Bellman Equation is : Current Value = Current Reward + Future Value

Recursive Relation in Reinforcement Learning

  • A fundamental property of value functions used throughout reinforcement learning is that it satisfy particular recursive relationship. The Backup Operation transfer value information back to a state/state-action pair from its successor states/state-action pairs.

Backup Diagram

  • As the above diagram illustrated, the calculation of state-value function can be decomposed into two steps:

    Before derivation: black dots stand for state, action pairs, white dots stands for action. Lines in B stands for policy probability, lines in C stands for states transition probability.

    In diagram B:

VΟ€(s) =β€„βˆ‘aβ€„βˆˆβ€„AΟ€(a|s)QΟ€(s, a)

In diagram A: QΟ€(s, a) = R(s, a)β€…+β€…Ξ³βˆ‘sβ€²β€„βˆˆβ€„SP(sβ€²|s, a)vΟ€(sβ€²) ​ Merging equation A and B, we get one form of Bellman Equation for VΟ€ VΟ€(s) =β€„βˆ‘aβ€„βˆˆβ€„AΟ€(s|a)(R(s, a)β€…+β€…Ξ³βˆ‘sβ€²β€„βˆˆβ€„SP(sβ€²|s, a)vΟ€(sβ€²))


  • Bellman Equation(s) defines a connection between the current state and future state

  • Given the simplified form of Bellman Equations

$$ \begin{cases}V^\pi(s)=\mathbb{E}[r(s,a)+\gamma V^\pi(s’)]\Q^\pi(s,a)=\mathbb{E}[r(s,a)+\gamma \mathbb{E}[Q^\pi(s’,a’)]]\V^(s)=\max_{a}\mathbb{E}[r(s,a)+\gamma V^(s’)]\Q^(s,a)=\mathbb{E}[r(s,a)+\gamma \max_{a’}Q^(s’,a’)]\end{cases} $$