Synthetic Assets
Synthetic assets surround us in our daily lives. Look around you. The number 18 token that the cloakroom girl gave you in exchange for your coat? That is a synthetic asset. Its intrinsic value is nil. It is simply a small plastic disc, too large even to insert in the anti-theft system of your supermarket’s trolley. Instead, its value is as a sign. Only imagine the drama that would accompany its loss: a brand new coat! The cloakroom girl owns the other half of the key, an identical token, with the same number 18 emblazoned in gold. She also understands the convention. The person who offers her the matching token will be handed the corresponding coat. No further explanation is required. While a small tip might change hands, this is far from compulsory. Such an example might sound trivial. An unintentional exchange cannot be ruled out if the girl has a moment of absence. In general, however, the process leaves little room for confusion. On the other hand, when synthetic assets are meant to represent classes of objects, some of which can be abstract, things can become a little more confusing (Illustration 1)
什么是合成资产?以在剧院寄存外套的小硬币为例,你把衣服交给前台的女孩,换来一个标记为18的塑料硬币,这是一个塑料片,实际价值约为0,甚至放不进tesco的手推车里。可能只有剧院会承担它带来的损失 - 一件全新的外套。女孩拥有钥匙的另一半,一个同样标记为18,但是金色装饰的硬币。她懂得如何转换 - 当女孩收到的硬币与自己手上的硬币匹配时,她便会把对应的外套取出来,无需多余的解释。或许有时会有一些小费,但这完全不是硬性要求。上述的流程可能听着琐碎,但是如果女孩不在场,我们不能排除一些无意错误交换发生的可能性。但一般来说,这个过程几乎不会造成混淆。但另一方面,当合成资产代表的事物越来越抽象时,事情可能会变的混乱起来。
“金融是解决和构建关于金钱,时间和价值的方法” - Goetzman
The word is not the thing, and the map is not the territory
**合成资产必须有对应的,完全存在的标的。**而这是现在正在被越来越多的人忽视的。回到硬币的例子,当我拥有硬币时,我可能失去了我实际拥有一件外套的直观感觉,我可能会很轻易的丢掉它并且意识不到后果的严重 - 就像2008年的次贷危机那样。投资基金,提单, ETF,金融衍生品,金融基准,证券,Grain Receipt,电子黄金认股权证,自愿碳排放额度等都是合成资产,但他们代表的是实物商品、房地产、金融策略、抵押贷款、碳排放等等的其他金融资产。
Two Main Risk Management Frameworks
Risk Pooling - 风险共担
Risk Clearing - 风险清算
- 以市场金融为代表,通过建立交易网络,使参与者方便的进行风险抵消交易。
- 金融衍生品合同根据客观的预定基准进行支付
The inability of counterparties to control the outcome of a financial transaction is key to the soundness of the financial structure
交易对手无法控制金融交易的结果是金融结构稳健性的关键。 作为对比:
- 保险:
- 可保利益原则:监管者规定了投保人的风险敞口,以避免投保人违规影响被保意外的结果
- 金融市场:
- 交易对手方不必证明风险敞口的合理性才能签订协议。
- 交易对手方通常没有机会控制意外事件的结果
(当然也有意外,但这与衍生品机制无关,更多的是市场的普遍问题,青山控股镍期货squeeze short事件作为代表)
A lower level of market economy: Shops, door-to-door salesmen
A higher level: fairs and exchange
- 金融市场与不同的衍生品极大增强了金融资产的流动性,实现资产的去物质化(Dematerialisation)
The pyrimid of finacial abstraction: 流动性的不同层级